Our  Capabilities

  • Time-Sensitive Customer Support Services

We aim to provide timely support services across projects and product orders. For urgent matters that arise, we aim to provide a response time under 48 hours, ensuring that our customer requirements are continuously met at every step.

  • Bid-Stage Design Support

Our team of design engineers come with years of expertise and experience to provide valuable design insights and assistance throughout the bidding stage. This bridges the gap between the design and build phases for optimal project execution.

  • Challenging Project Executions

Our dedicated team of professionals come equipped with the skills and knowledge to carry out the development of new designs for projects of varying complexity and challenge.

  • Experienced Professional Team

Our operators boast an average of 15+ years of experience, ensuring that our manufacturing setups are carried out by the best and brightest in the industry.

  • Diverse Skill Set

Our engineering staff members are trained to provide services spanning contract, design, production, quality and material management to facilitate quick turnaround time across orders.

  • SAP Management

Our enterprise utilizes industry-standard SAP software to manage financials, human resources, logistics and projects in a comprehensive and efficient manner.

  • Onsite Support Staff

We have a dedicated on-site team of support technicians to assist with product installations and overall project supervision.


  • Quality Management

We operate a full-fledged testing and quality assurance department to assure satisfactory traceability of material and reliable product performance across small orders and large-scale projects alike.

  • Specialized Manufacturing Facilities

Our factories are equipped with special manufacturing capabilities that cater to applications on hydrocarbon processing plants.

  • Multi-Faceted Design Experience

We hold extensive experience on handling different licensor designs, and various engineering specifications that are met by leading global firms.

  • Supply Track record

We have an excellent track record of supplies to DHT, VGO, DHDT, HDS, DHDS, LAB, CCR, FCC, CDU VDU, and SRU plants in hydrocarbon refineries.

  • Special application design and development

We have worked on very critical design applications such as thermowells for use in gasifier furnaces, gas cracker furnaces, thermocouples for use in flare stacks and alkylation combustion chambers in refineries and petrochemical complexes.

  • IBR Certification

All our manufacturing locations have been approved as  per Indian Boiler Regulations, and we seek to consistently maintain these standards across operations.

  • Supplier Certification

Our factories are approved for supplies of Nuclear RTDs and Mineral Insulated Cables by M/s Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, based on its approved procedures and guidelines under ASTM E585 and ASTM E839.

Time-Sensitive Customer Support Services

We aim to provide timely support services across projects and product orders. For urgent matters that arise, we aim to provide a response time under 48 hours, ensuring that our customer requirements are continuously met at every step.

Bid-Stage Design Support

Our team of design engineers come with years of expertise and experience to provide valuable design insights and assistance throughout the bidding stage. This bridges the gap between the design and build phases for optimal project execution.

Challenging Project Executions

We aim to provide timely support services across projects and product orders. For urgent matters that arise, we aim to provide a response time under 48 hours, ensuring that our customer requirements are continuously met at every step.

Experienced Professional Team

Our operators boast an average of 15+ years of experience, ensuring that our manufacturing setups are carried out by the best and brightest in the industry.

Diverse Skill Set

Our engineering staff members are trained to provide services spanning contract, design, production, quality and material management to facilitate quick turnaround time across orders.

SAP Management

Our enterprise utilizes industry-standard SAP software to manage financials, human resources, logistics and projects in a comprehensive and efficient manner.

Onsite Support Staff

We have a dedicated on-site team of support technicians to assist with product installations and overall project supervision.

Specialized Manufacturing Facilities

Our factories are equipped with special manufacturing capabilities that cater to applications on hydrocarbon processing plants.

Multi-Faceted Design Experience

We hold extensive experience on handling different licensor designs, and various engineering specifications that are met by leading global firms.

Quality Management

We operate a full-fledged testing and quality assurance department to assure satisfactory traceability of material and reliable product performance across small orders and large-scale projects alike.

Special Application Design and Development

We have worked on very critical design applications such as thermowells for use in gasifier furnaces, gas cracker furnaces, thermocouples for use in flare stacks and alkylation combustion chambers in refineries and petrochemical complexes.

Supplier Certification

Our factories are approved for supplies of Nuclear RTDs and Mineral Insulated Cables by M/s Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, based on its approved procedures and guidelines under ASTM E585 and ASTM E839.

Supply Track Record

We have an excellent track record of supplies to DHT, VGO, DHDT, HDS, DHDS, LAB, CCR, FCC, CDU VDU, and SRU plants in hydrocarbon refineries.

IBR Certification

All our manufacturing locations have been approved as  per Indian Boiler Regulations, and we seek to consistently maintain these standards across operations.


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  • Mauris bibendum sodales nibh ut interdum.
  • Morbi semper semper ante nec consequat.
  • Nullam volutpat, nulla sit amet finibus dapibus, leo lectus euismod turpis, eget mattis orci enim id diam.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Mauris bibendum sodales nibh ut interdum.
  • Morbi semper semper ante nec consequat.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Mauris bibendum sodales nibh ut interdum.
  • Morbi semper semper ante nec consequat.
  • Nullam volutpat, nulla sit amet finibus dapibus, leo lectus euismod turpis, eget mattis orci enim id diam.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Mauris bibendum sodales nibh ut interdum.
  • Morbi semper semper ante nec consequat.
CNC Manufacturing Facility For Thermowells

CNC Manufacturing Facility For Thermowells

Gun Drilling For Thermowell Bore

Gun Drilling For Thermowell Bore

Inhouse PMI Check

Inhouse PMI Check

Inhouse Testing for Nuclear RTDs for Power Plant

Inhouse Testing for Nuclear RTDs for Power Plant

Inhouse Vaccum Emission Spectrometer For Chemical Analysis Of Incoming Raw Materials

Inhouse Vaccum Emission Spectrometer For Chemical Analysis Of Incoming Raw Materials

Inhouse Testing for Nuclear RTDs for Power Plant

Inhouse Testing for Nuclear RTDs for Power Plant

Strand Annealing Furnace for MI Cable

Strand Annealing Furnace for MI Cable

Hardness Testing for NACE

Hardness Testing for NACE

Inhouse Ultrasonic Flaw Detection for Welds And Material Integrity

Inhouse Ultrasonic Flaw Detection for Welds And Material Integrity

Inhouse Laser Marking Machine for Product Marking

Inhouse Laser Marking Machine for Product Marking

Inhouse Ferrite Content Check

Inhouse Ferrite Content Check

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